Year 7 Catch Up

Catch-up Funding Statement September 2019 (2018/9 analysis)

Rationale for spending and evaluation

In 2018-19 Norham High School received £3725 to support those pupils who did not receive a standardised score of 100 in maths, reading or SPaG. These pupils were assessed on entry. 14 pupils qualified for maths catch up and 10 for reading and SPaG.

The funding for 2018-19 was used to finance a member of staff to deliver Read, Write, Inc. Fresh Start to support the development of reading, writing and SPaG and an additional member of staff to deliver Success@number and Success@arithmetic to support the development of age appropriate mathematical skills.

Impact of interventions


Literacy intervention was extremely successful. All pupils made progress and the majority exceeded their chronological age. The pupils involved are now able to apply the basic literacy skills they have developed during ‘catch up’ sessions to improve their access to text across the curriculum.


The numeracy intervention was very successful with most pupils making at least a year’s numeracy age progress. The pupils who are involved are now able to apply basic skills both mentally and in a formal written method.

Catch up Funding 2019-20

In 2019-20 Norham High school will receive £3333 catch up funding to support pupils achieving below a standardised score of 100. This funding will be used to finance staffing to deliver catch up programmes in small groups as well as to support additional staffing in the English department to deliver a differentiated curriculum to pupils scoring well below 100.

In summer 2019, 28 pupils achieved a score of below 100 in maths. 2 of these pupils are educated in the school ARP and receive specific intervention through the curriculum. The remaining pupils will receive small group catch up intervention to support them to catch up to their peer and achieve age related expectations.

In summer 2019, 34 pupils achieved a score of below 100 in reading and SPaG, 2 of these pupils are educated in the school ARP and will receive appropriate intervention through their curriculum. The remaining pupils will be re-tested on entry and receive appropriate small group intervention to address their deficit areas so they can achieve age related expectations.