Y6 Open Evening

To register your interest, please CLICK HERE

Dear Parents & Carers, 

It is my absolute pleasure to invite you to Norham High School’s Open Evening. Having joined this community in September 2019, it has been a privilege for me to work with the staff and pupils here,  and to have received an Ofsted grading of Good for this community’s wonderfulschool, a place where  ‘warm, genuine, friendly interactions between pupils and their friends or teachers are commonplace’ (Ofsted 2022). Our results continue to improve rapidly, and we have some VERY good news to share  with you in October when official performance results are released. Watch this space! 

We serve the community of North Shields with pride, determination, and strength. We have become the school of choice for many parents and carers who realise that we are the right place for their child  to thrive. Indeed, last year we had more children due to join our school than we had places to offer! 

The new Norham High School boasts professional-level facilities including a new fitness studio, food  and technology labs with the latest equipment, and brand new theatre and photography studios for  those with a passion for the creative arts.  

Our school’s new, innovative curriculum has accelerated pupil progress substantially. With ambitious  and carefully sequenced study, many of our pupils are leaving with top grades at the end of Year 11  and they are taking up places at college and sixth form that will lead them onto university and industry.  This new curriculum has transformed education in the classrooms of Norham High School. All of our  pupils receive a Chromebook for the duration of their studies; teachers make use of these and our  new interactive displays to make learning exciting, challenging, and appropriate for all of our learners. 

Our Open Evening takes place on Wednesday 20th September 2023. Doors open at 5:30pm so that  your family can enjoy a sample buffet menu from our wonderful catering team. The formal welcome  will begin at 6pm and we would then invite you to explore our newly refurbished facilities, meeting  staff and pupils who can explain what life is really like at Norham High School. 

We expect places to  fill up quickly, so please add your details to the online form as soon as possible. 

We look forward to meeting you - our new parents and pupils!

To register your interest, please CLICK HERE